Macrophage cell dying in response to TNFR2
using Nanolive Imaging microscope
The Wong lab is a research lab in Zurich, Switzerland. We focus on understanding the patterns and underlying mechanisms behind cell death signaling and disease.
Our laboratory is interested in identifying how cell death signaling pathways can influence inflammation with the hope of identifying novel targets to turn on or off the immune system.
Determine how cell death signaling is involved in neo-vascularization and the potential role in vascular disease
Delineate how the TNF signaling pathways activate the inflammasome and how monogenic autoinflammatory diseases may influence cytokine storms
BIO430: Immunology, Fall Semester, 4th Quarter
Description: In this course, you will learn how to use flow cytometry, inhibitors, genetic knock-outs to define forms of cell death.
BIO431: Cell Death, Inflammation and Immunity, Spring Semester, 2nd Quarter
Description: Students join a laboratory, performing experiments for a current research project. In this course, students will be exposed to issues of data reproducibility, interpretation and presentation.
BIO439: Current Topics in Immunology, Fall Semester, 3rd Quarter (odd years)
Description: Students are exposed and study current topics in immunology beyond basic immunology courses, such as tissue resident macrophages, innate lymphoid cells, regulatory T cell subsets and sterile inflammation.
Workshop for Swiss Apoptosis and Autophagy Meeting (formerly Swiss Apoptosis Meeting), held every two years, Fall
BIO668: Cancer Module A, Modes of cell death